Why energy efficiency rating is good business

Why energy efficiency rating is good business

As a business whether you work in an office, run a shop or have a commercial unit, energy will be required to operate your business. Everything from lighting, heating and cooling to the electricity required to power machinery all adds to the level of energy consumption.

Sceptics of global warming may or may not be interested in lowering their carbon footprint, but most business owners acknowledge the very real benefits of energy conservation, both as a means of achieving cost and energy savings. The fact is that energy savings offer much more than economic and environmental benefits, taking the appropriate measures can also be advantageous for your company’s brand image with regards to corporate social responsibility (CSR), employee wellbeing and ultimately recruitment and talent retention.

Energy savings = cost savings

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the correlation between saving energy and saving money. One of the excuses often used by smaller businesses as to why they aren’t more open to adopting energy saving measures is the perceived cost. The Spanish government encourages the installation of solar panels by offsetting the cost with grants, however, there is no such financial incentive for the installation of the battery systems required to store excess energy. This unfortunately makes solar energy seem like a pricey prospect that will take many years to recover the cost. No one wants to spend money, even if it is to save money in the long run, which is why there is a reluctance to the wholesale adoption of solar energy.

Save electricity using your current systems

One solution is to provide businesses with the means to reduce electricity consumption without the need to change the systems already in use. This can now be achieved by using cutting edge patented Coolnomix® smart technology and Maxwell™ nanofluid, both products are exclusively available in Spain via Tutum Energy.

Coolnomix® uses a patented smart device to combat rising energy costs by powering down air-conditioning and refrigeration systems, without reducing output. The device which is used in conjunction with the existing systems produces substantial energy savings of up to 40% and already counts big brands such as Coca Cola amongst its clientele. Similarly, energy efficiency ratings can be substantially improved by using Maxwell™ nanofluid, a base liquid containing suspended engineered sub-micron aluminium oxide particles. When the fluid is added to heating and cooling systems it enhances heat transfer, thereby saving energy and costs.

Competitive edge

Energy savings allows businesses to operate more efficiently, optimising use of resources, processes and operations, whilst optimising energy expenditure. In simple terms, if power consumption is reduced, the machinery is less expensive to run, allowing for more competitive prices and delivery.

Green is good for your brand image

Environmental, sustainability and Governance (ESG) framework will establish whether your business is a forward-thinking organization that has assessed and prioritised all business risks, including the threat posed by rising energy costs. Environmental conservation is high on the list of public concerns therefore businesses need to be perceived as being energy efficient, taking steps to reduce pollution and their carbon footprint. ESG policies and adherence can not only affect customer purchase decisions, but also staff recruitment and retention and investment.

Energy efficient property premium

As ESG takes centre stage amongst legislators and businesses there is a growing demand for ‘green buildings’ with a good Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating. As a general rule, low energy buildings perform better than the national building standards requirements regarding energy performance. A low-energy building typically uses lower levels of heating and cooling energy, high levels of insulations and energy efficient windows. Green energy classifications take into account the power used for air conditioning, heating, cooling, water heating and general electricity consumption.

A good EPC rating can lead to higher rental values and increased investor interest. Tenants occupying energy efficient property will also benefit from a modicum of protection against rising energy prices.

Healthy, happy and efficient employees

A commitment to energy efficiency can also have a big impact upon a business’ workforce for a number of reasons. There are the health benefits of working in a sustainable building which is well-insulated, with good lighting and optimized electrical equipment to ensure the appropriate level of heating and cooling. If a work environment is too hot or too cold, this can result in illness, poor health and toxins within the environment. Thereby ensuring the indoor conditions are within healthy parameters is not only good staff morale, health and wellbeing, it is also good for the business’ bottom line.

Recruitment and retention

Para funcionar eficazmente, una empresa necesita atraer y retener el talento adecuado, ya que una elevada rotación de personal aumenta los costes operativos de contratación y formación del mismo. En el estudio “ESG as a Workforce Strategy” de Marsh & McLennan Advantage, se señala que, como estrategia corporativa, el desempeño ESG ofrece a los empleadores una ventaja demostrable a la hora de atraer y retener el talento. La investigación muestra que los empleadores que obtienen una alta puntuación en el desempeño ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), tienen una mano de obra más satisfecha (14%) y los empleadores que tienen una reputación de mejor desempeño ESG- Medioambiental, Social y de Gobernanza son más atractivos para los futuros y potenciales nuevos empleados (25%).

Government legislation

Many major governments are implementing new ESG regulations aimed at reducing the world’s carbon footprint by reducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency ratings. By implementing energy efficient practices, businesses can improve their sustainability, brand value and achieve substantial cost savings.

If you would like information about how your business can achieve energy savings of up 40%, visit our website www.tutumenergy.es or contact info@tutumenergy.es.